Saturday, November 2, 2013

App Exchange

It's time to share my dear friends. Tell me about your favorite apps that you have for your children. I will share mine with you. I prefer free ones of course but if it is really amazing and truly educational I might break down and spend up to $3 for it. :) Buying new apps are great motivations for point charts.

Apps for the iPad that I like
1. ABC Art Maker - draw pictures in scrapbook style and create stories, then make a video with your story.
2. Teach Me series - I think they have all the way from toddler to 3rd grade. $1.99 but worth it.
3. Draw it - simple coloring
4. Starfall  yes it's $2.99 and it is only the abc portion of the starfall website.
5. Flow Free - both my seven year old and four year old love this one. It's a great brain challenging tool. You have to connect dots on a grid without intersecting the lines.
6. Piano Notes - practice note reading skills
7. Cake Doodle - love this one. easiest way to bake without making a mess. (thank you Amy for this suggestions)

Apps for Iphone
1. Glow Puzzle - another great brain logic app. connect the dots and lines without overlapping. Ruth loves this one
2. Word Family - This is great for learning phonics.

Please let me know what great apps you have. Thank you!


  1. Great idea!
    I really like Reading Raven. It keeps track of children's progress.
    Another good one is Zoo Train. It has some matching, some alphabet, and more.

    1. Louise, thank you. These are great. I bring Jason iPad for Eleanor to do during Ruth's piano lesson and its wonderful.

  2. Thanks for the ideas ladies. Sorry, I don't have any to add.

    1. Hi Kaylee, it's always a joy to hear from you anyway. bless you.

  3. I really like the Children's Bible by Barcelona Multimedia. They have Bible videos, games, and puzzles for different age levels. Some other favorites are Pluto Piano, Write My Name, Alphatots, and Tallytots

    1. Hi Amy, thank you for the suggestions. These are great.

  4. Let's see... Temple Run, Angry Bi... JUST KIDDING!

    I second the Reading Raven and Starfall Apps.

    Daisy and Lily love The Beginner's Bible App (I forgot how much $ the story pack was) because it reads the Bible stories to you and you turn the pages and look at the pictures while it reads, and there are little games.

    Bear Piano - There are eight little bears that ring bells for each note of the scale as the child touches the bears. It also teaches melodies on the bells and you play games to test if you can play the melodies on the bells. Daisy played this every day when she was about two years old. I don't know if it contributed to her good musical ear but she had fun. :P

    I have considered doing an app exchange on the Mothers Are Home site for quite a while now. Just never had time to think it out. You're inspiring me.

    1. Leah, thank you very much. The Beginner's Bible App is on the point chart prize list. I couldn't find Bear Piano, is it called something else? I want to find some more musical teaching ones for Eleanor, she is only four but she wants to play piano like Ruth.
      Temple Run is a reward app for sure with limited time. You understand :)
      bless you (It's exciting that I inspired you about something :)
