Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great tip for kids on iPhones or iPads

Here is a great tip I learned today. I rarely let my two year old play with my phone for fear of her deleting apps or moving them around. Here is a way that you can lock your child in an app and they can't get out of it.

1. Go to your Settings / General / Accessibility
2. Turn on Guided Access and set a passcode

Now to make it work. Open the app you want to use and triple-click the home button. It will ask you what parts of the screen you want to disable and then you can tap on start. Now when your child pushes the home button they will not be allowed to exit that app.
To exit you just triple-click the home button and type in the passcode.

This combined with Jane's find of Kids Tube is great entertainment when your child needs a distraction. :)

1 comment:

  1. This has been quite helpful for me on my iPad with Violet!
